If you are looking for a world class retreat for you and your next vacation, you should consider Flower Hill in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Flower Hill has been voted as one of the best retreats in the world and its really no surprise why this luxury destination was voted as one of the world’s best Caribbean retreat destinations.

We understand that you come to Montego Bay to relax and enjoy the tropical sun. However, there may be times during your vacation when you can’t get outside due to rainy weather, or if you just need a break from the sun. Well, you are in luck, because not all of the fun at Flower Hill is outdoors. In fact, we have lots of fun inside as well. Let us take a minute of your time to tell you about our fabulous games room--The Serengeti Games Room.

If you are newly engaged, let us be the first to offer you our congratulations. Being engaged and planning your wedding is such a special time, but it can also become stressful when the brunt of the planning falls into your shoulders. What if someone else could do the planning for you, so that you can just relax and enjoy your special day with friends and family? Well, at Flower Hill, we can not only take care of your special day, but we will make it the most magical day that you will never forget.

If you have been to Jamaica, then you already know how beautiful it is to look over Half-Moon Bay at the beautiful deep blue waters of the Caribbean. You may also already know how luxurious and special Flower Hill is. But did you know that Flower Hill is now offering Custom Yoga Packages as well? You now have the ability not only to enjoy the villa, but to benefit from a yoga retreat that allows you to focus on your health and wellness in the beautiful healing environment of Flower Hill.